
Amanda Allen is a highly accomplished Senior Paralegal at SGGH, bringing over a decade of experience working alongside Attorney Parker Stinar. With her extensive expertise, Amanda plays a crucial role in overseeing litigation matters involving sexual abuse, medical malpractice, and personal injury.

In addition to her role as a Senior Paralegal, Amanda also serves as a Senior Trial Paralegal at SGGH. Her skills and dedication have led her to participate in personal injury trials across more than a dozen counties nationwide.

Amanda holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Science, with a Major in Paralegal Studies. Her certificate of completion, approved by the American Bar Association, further demonstrates her commitment to excellence in the field.

Throughout her career, Amanda has represented clients across the United States in various types of cases, including birth injury matters, civil rights, product liability, and mass tort actions. Her exceptional work as a trial paralegal has contributed to over two dozen catastrophic injury trials, including a significant seven-figure verdict in the Eastern District of Michigan in 2013. She has also played a lead role in matters resulting in over $100 million in verdicts and settlements.

Amanda’s track record includes several high-profile cases where she served as the lead paralegal, such as a $7.5 million aviation settlement, a $9.3 million medical malpractice settlement, a $7.5 million birth injury settlement, and a $19 million birth injury verdict.

With her vast experience, meticulous attention to detail, and impressive accomplishments, Amanda is an invaluable asset to SGGH and a trusted advocate for our clients in complex legal matters.